Last in the Pool
When you think of "sprinters" or the "sprint training group" you think of short sets. Not today. The sprint group had the luxury of being the last training group in the pool. With possibly the least of amount of yardage out of all the workouts running, their training set took the longest on this great California morning. With the rest of the team involved in a combined dryland/water set, A group consisting of Jamie, Lauren, Helen, Mitchell, Ellen, Colin, Shunei, and Keller decided to venture to the farthest lanes possible without crashing in on Claremont's Diving Practice. With fins in tow, they had no indication of what tasks they would set out to accomplish today. They started off the day in a group warm up. Then their workout shifted. While the other groups prepared their running shoes and were getting instructions from Jenn, the "sprint group" continued on a technical course before their pre-main set. With two 25's of Resistance & Assistance and some of the guys trying the biggest long belt we have, they were told they have to prepare for their main set. The same questions always follows "What is our main set?" They set out with the first few 50's and were feeling good with the long rest. Few more 50's in, you could hear them trying to catch their breathe and it was unusually quiet. Most were determined and encouraged to swim easy between the interval.
Behold an hour later these 8 individuals finished the set they started, with consistency and determination. With support from each other and teammates watching on the deck they accomplished something awesome.